Industry news


Market wait-and-see sentiment heats up and viscose staple fiber prices remain stable

According to the price monitoring of the Business Society, there are four commodities in the textile sector that saw a month on month increase in the list of commodity prices in the 25th week of 2023 (6.19-6.23). The top three commodities with the highest increase were spandex (0.38%), PTA (0.35%), and dry cocoon (0.28%). There are three types of products that have decreased compared to the previous month, with the top three products falling being lint (-0.44%), polyester FDY (-0.24%), and polyester POY (-0.11%). The prices of most products have remained stable.

Market wait-and-see sentiment heats up and viscose staple fiber prices remain stable

The price of viscose staple fiber remains stable, and manufacturers ship according to orders. Recently, except for some factories with inventory pressure, other manufacturers are relatively controllable. The price of raw material Dissolving pulp is weakening, and the overall cost support is insufficient. Under weak downstream demand, there is a strong wait-and-see mentality, weak purchasing intention, average cotton yarn trading volume, low production enthusiasm due to losses in the yarn factory, and a downward trend in overall operating load. The short-term improvement in the purchasing and sales atmosphere of viscose staple fibers is limited, as the new round of centralized order signing in the market ends. In the absence of significant improvement in terminal demand, the market will enter a wait-and-see adjustment period, with price stability as the main focus.

Downstream, there is resistance, and cotton prices have slightly declined

Cotton prices continue to fluctuate and fall, but remain at a relatively high level. In the early stage, cotton saw a significant increase, but downstream cotton yarn prices were weak, leading to an increase in immediate profit losses for textile companies, a decrease in yarn market transactions, and a slight increase in finished product inventory. The grey fabric market reflects a scarcity of new orders, and the slight decline in textile enterprises' start-up has led to a lack of upward driving force in cotton prices in the short term. And the current off-season characteristics are obvious, with weakened downstream demand and resistance to high cotton prices from upstream and downstream. At the same time, the commercial inventory data of cotton in Xinjiang is higher than the previous forecast, and it is expected that cotton prices will continue to decline in the short term.

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