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Consolidate the foundation of economic recovery and development, and promote the continuous overall improvement of economic operation

Expanding consumption is not achieved overnight, and continuously enhancing consumer motivation is the key. Making every effort to expand employment, increase residents' income through multiple channels, and effectively improve residents' consumption capacity is of great significance for consolidating the foundation of economic recovery and development, and promoting the continuous overall improvement of economic operation.

Currently, how to promote a sustained rebound in consumer motivation remains a hot topic of concern for all parties. The most fundamental and direct measures to enhance consumption momentum are to promote employment, increase income, and stabilize expectations. Making every effort to expand employment, increase residents' income through multiple channels, and effectively improve residents' consumption capacity is of great significance for consolidating the foundation of economic recovery and development, and promoting the continuous overall improvement of economic operation.

From the economic situation in the first quarter of this year, domestic demand has gradually expanded, production and supply have accelerated recovery, and social expectations have significantly improved, especially consumer demand is rapidly recovering. From the perspective of economic data, the total retail sales of consumer goods in the first quarter increased by 5.8% year-on-year, with a year-on-year increase of 10.6% in March. In April, this data expanded to a year-on-year increase of 18.4%, compared to a decrease of 2.7% in the fourth quarter of last year. The total retail sales of consumer goods in the first quarter shifted from a decrease to an increase.

However, it should also be noted that expanding consumption is not achieved overnight, and continuously enhancing consumption motivation is the key. Despite a rapid recovery in consumption in the first quarter, the national urban unemployment rate remained at 5.5%, unchanged from December last year.

In the next stage, stabilizing and expanding employment should be the top priority for increasing income and boosting consumption. Multiple measures should be taken simultaneously and comprehensively to support entrepreneurship, expanding employment, and improving social security. Efforts should be made to form stable expectations, fundamentally boost consumer confidence, and form a sustained driving force for expanding consumption.

Firstly, developing the economy to drive employment and striving to enhance consumption capacity. Employment and income growth fundamentally rely on development. Vigorously promoting economic development is the fundamental path to achieving employment and income growth. We should vigorously develop industries, especially leverage the unique advantages of modern service industries in attracting employment, expand the breadth and depth of service industry development, increase effective supply, and expand the scale of service industry employment. Appropriate development of some labor-intensive industries in regions and fields with suitable conditions.

We also need to play a good role as the main channel for employment in the private economy. According to statistical data from the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce, the proportion of private economy in urban employment has exceeded 80%, and many of the newly employed people come from private enterprises. Therefore, unwavering support for the development of the private economy and encouraging private enterprises to absorb employment have become an important choice. We need to create a new type of pro Qing political and business relationship, create a fair competition, convenient and efficient, open and inclusive, and policy stable business environment, and do everything possible to reduce enterprise costs, so that private enterprises can develop with peace of mind and stability, forming a virtuous cycle of mutual promotion between enterprise development and employment expansion, and consolidating the foundation for boosting consumption.

Secondly, encourage youth entrepreneurship to increase income and stabilize their income expectations. We should fully mobilize the enthusiasm of young people, guide them to enter the market, start businesses, and increase income. This can effectively alleviate employment pressure, more conducive to stabilizing their income expectations, and boosting their consumption vitality. Further improvement should be made in innovation and entrepreneurship parks, incubation bases, and mass entrepreneurship spaces

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