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Look at the excellent performance of polypropylene short fibers from four aspects!

Polypropylene short fibers will be applied in various industries, widely used in textile industries such as geotextiles, non-woven fabrics, non-woven fabrics, wool, polypropylene yarn, carpets, etc. Polypropylene staple fiber is a fluffy fiber with specified size and length, which is made of polypropylene resin as the main raw material through melt spinning, drafting, crimping, drying, shaping, cutting and packaging.

1、 Characteristics of polypropylene staple fibers:

1. Low density

Among all synthetic fibers, the density is relatively low, about 0.91g/cm3, making it lightweight and covering a large area per unit weight of fiber.

2. Has high strength

The strength of polypropylene short fibers is similar to that of high-strength synthetic fibers such as polyester and nylon, but the wet strength remains almost unchanged and is superior to nylon.

3. PP short fiber is not only wear-resistant but also corrosion-resistant

The flat wear resistance is second only to nylon, but the bending wear resistance is slightly poor. Corrosion resistance: It has obvious stability to inorganic acids and alkalis.

4. Almost non hygroscopic.

Polypropylene fiber is almost non hygroscopic, with a moisture regain of less than 0.03%, a low shrinkage rate of the fabric, and a strong wicking effect of fine denier polypropylene fiber.

5. Excellent conductivity and insulation

Polypropylene short fibers have high electrical resistivity (710cm) and low thermal conductivity. Compared with other chemical fibers, polypropylene fiber has good electrical and thermal insulation properties, but is prone to generating static electricity during processing.

6. Anti aging

Low melting point of olefins (165-173), poor stability to light and heat. So it has poor heat resistance and aging resistance, and is not resistant to ironing. But the anti-aging property can be improved by adding antioxidant in the spinning process.

2、 Polypropylene short fiber products have two main properties:

One is that it has excellent moisture conductivity, flexibility, excellent web forming and carding performance, and excellent thermal adhesion.

Secondly, it has high strength, strong curling elasticity, light weight, low melting point, good surface permeability, and better acid alkali resistance and wear resistance than other fibers.

3、 Polypropylene staple fibers have many excellent properties, mainly reflected in the following four aspects:

Firstly, it has excellent moisture conductivity and flexibility, excellent web forming and carding performance, and excellent thermal adhesion.

Secondly, polypropylene short fibers are lightweight, with a density of 0.9~0.92 g/cm3, making them the lightest among all synthetic fibers. 20% lighter than polyamide fiber, 30% lighter than polyester fiber, and 40% lighter than viscose fiber. High strength (both dry and wet), good wear resistance and resilience; Antibacterial, mold resistant, and moth resistant; The chemical resistance is also better than that of ordinary synthetic fibers.

Thirdly, compared to other synthetic fibers, electrical insulation and thermal insulation are excellent, with a high resistivity (71019 ohm centimeters) and a small thermal conductivity.

Fourthly, it has high strength, strong curling elasticity, light weight, low melting point, good surface permeability, acid and alkali resistance, and better wear resistance than other fibers.

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