Industry news


Accelerate the promotion of new industrialization, strengthen, optimize and expand the real economy

  In the afternoon of March 1, the State Administration for Industry and Information Technology held a series of thematic press conferences on the "opening remarks of authoritative departments". Jin Zhuanglong, Minister of Industry and Information Technology, introduced the achievements and latest measures of China's "accelerating the promotion of new industrialization, strengthening, optimizing and expanding the real economy".

  Accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system

  The manufacturing industry is the foundation of the real economy and an important field of building a modern industrial system. The major technical equipment on a large scale is "towering", and the industrial base that plays a basic supporting role is "standing". To strengthen and improve the manufacturing industry, it is necessary to "hold the sky" and "stand on the ground".

  In the past 10 years, China has formed a large-scale, comprehensive and competitive manufacturing system. "We will consolidate the advantages of the complete industrial system, maintain the basic stability of the proportion of manufacturing industry, and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system by forging the strengths, complementing the weaknesses and strengthening the foundation," Jin said.

  Transform and upgrade traditional industries. The traditional industry is the base of the modern industrial system, accounting for more than 80% of the manufacturing industry. The next step will be to vigorously promote the technological transformation and equipment upgrading of enterprises, promote advanced and applicable technologies, and promote the modernization of processes and high-end products. Implement the action of "increasing variety, improving quality and creating brand" in the manufacturing industry to improve product quality and brand efficiency. We will deepen the implementation of the intelligent manufacturing project, accelerate the development of service-oriented manufacturing, and vigorously develop productive services. Implement the implementation plan of carbon peak in the industrial field, comprehensively promote green manufacturing, and improve the level of green and low-carbon development. We will encourage the adoption of market-oriented and law-based approaches to accelerate mergers and acquisitions of key industries and increase industrial concentration.

  Consolidate and extend advantageous industries. China has formed its unique advantages in the fields of high-speed rail, ships, electric equipment, engineering machinery, communication equipment, and a number of important products such as personal computers, mobile phones, household appliances, and solar panels account for more than half of the global output. Vigorously implement the industrial base reconstruction project and major technical equipment research project, consolidate and enhance the advantages of the whole industrial chain, and create a number of business cards made in China. Give full play to the role of enterprises, support leading enterprises to become stronger and better, and cultivate a number of world-class enterprises. In addition, we will implement the special action for the development of advanced manufacturing clusters, focusing on key areas such as construction machinery, rail transit, optoelectronic information, energy and power equipment, textile and clothing, and create world-class advanced manufacturing clusters.

  Cultivate and expand emerging industries. Focus on key fields such as 5G, artificial intelligence, biological manufacturing, industrial Internet, green and low-carbon, and constantly enrich and expand new application scenarios. Expand the construction layout of the National Manufacturing Innovation Center in emerging industries. Implement the "robot+" application action to promote the large-scale and intensive development of the animal networking industry.

  Prospective layout of future industries. The future industry is an important starting point to seize the opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation and realize leading development. Jin Zhuanglong introduced that the next step will be to study and formulate the action plan for future industrial development, accelerate the layout of humanoid robots, metauniverse, quantum technology and other cutting-edge fields, and comprehensively promote the research and development of 6G technology. "Encourage local governments to take the lead and accelerate the layout of future industries."

  Remarkable achievements in the intelligent development of manufacturing industry

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the application scale and development level of intelligent manufacturing in China have leapt significantly, and the intelligent development of manufacturing industry has achieved remarkable results, which has strongly supported the high-quality development of industrial economy. At present, China has built more than 2100 high-level digital workshops and intelligent factories.

  "We will stick to the main direction of intelligent manufacturing, promote industrial technology reform and optimization and upgrading, and reshape the industrial model and enterprise form of manufacturing industry with intelligence," said Xin Guobin, deputy minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

  Carry out multi-level application and promotion. Build a number of world-class smart factories and smart supply chains for key industries. For small and medium-sized enterprises, targeted solutions such as process optimization, lean management and process reengineering will be implemented on a large scale. Facing key provinces and cities, build a number of intelligent manufacturing pilot areas, and explore and form development paths and models with regional characteristics.

  Accelerate breakthroughs in integrated technology innovation. We will increase the tackling of manufacturing technologies such as complex design and advanced technology, organize and mobilize forces from all sectors, give full play to the role of enterprises as the main body, and achieve fundamental and strategic breakthroughs. Focus on the research and development of AI, digital twins and other applicable technologies, and achieve a number of original and forward-looking results. We will focus on promoting the softwareization of industrial knowledge and develop a number of basic industrial software and core process packages.

  Strengthen basic support capacity. Research and formulate policies and measures to promote the development of digital equipment, and support the construction of digital China with intelligent equipment innovation. Open up the main artery of digital infrastructure, accelerate the large-scale deployment and application of 5G and industrial Internet, improve the intelligent manufacturing standard system, deepen the application of basic standards, actively participate in international exchanges and cooperation, and promote the level of intelligent development in various fields.

  Modern information technology benefits the masses

  Build the world's largest and technologically advanced 5G network. There are more than 2.31 million 5G base stations in China, and the 5G network covers all prefecture-level cities and counties in the country. The supply capacity of 5G network has been continuously improved, playing a major leading role in building a complete industrial chain covering systems, chips and terminals. In the next step, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will continue to improve the depth and breadth of 5G network coverage, further deepen network co-construction and sharing, and vigorously promote the integration of 5G technology application and product application results into all sectors of the economy and society. In particular, we should promote the development of the "5G+industrial Internet" towards the in-depth integration of the manufacturing industry, expand to all aspects of production, and improve the overall level of digitalization, networking and intelligence of the manufacturing industry.

  We will achieve nationwide "gigabit access to cities and cities", "broadband access to villages" and "5G access to counties". The gigabit optical network has the ability to cover more than 500 million households. The project of "counting from the east to the west" has been fully launched, and an integrated computing infrastructure application system of "counting, storage and transportation" has been gradually constructed. The total scale of data center racks in use in China has exceeded 6.5 million standard racks, and the server scale has exceeded 20 million. The total scale of computing power ranks second in the world. Subsequently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will carry out the "light pursuit action" of gigabit optical network, strengthen cross-industry, cross-enterprise and cross-regional network collaborative innovation, and support the transformation of traditional industries to digitalization, networking and intelligence. Small and medium-sized cities and rural remote areas should realize the coordinated and balanced development of information and communication networks, promote the construction of "broadband frontier" and strong cloud network infrastructure in small and medium-sized cities, and make modern information technology benefit the people. At the same time, we will increase support for computing power infrastructure and build a network architecture and computing power supply system that integrates cloud and network.

  The largest mobile Internet of Things in the world has been built, with 1.845 billion connections, accounting for more than 70% of the total connections in the world. It has become the first country in the major economies of the world to realize "Superman of Things". Mobile Internet of Things has achieved large-scale applications in digital city construction, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent transportation, mobile payment and other fields.

  Tian Yulong, chief engineer and spokesman of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that the next step would be to further promote the comprehensive development of the mobile Internet of Things, continue to consolidate the leading advantages of network capabilities, and build the Internet of Things access capability that supports the integration of fixed and mobile, and the combination of broadband and narrowband. Continue to expand the application scenarios of mobile Internet of Things, support the construction of digital China and smart city, and make information infrastructure benefit the people.

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