Industry news


Textile enterprises open their doors to "grab people", return home to start businesses and employment into a consensus

As soon as the Spring Festival holiday came to an end, a "battle to get people" began all over the country. In Guangdong, Jiangsu, Hubei and other major textile provinces, government and enterprise cooperation has taken more measures to attract all kinds of talents back to their hometowns for employment and entrepreneurship.

Hubei Songzi

"I am 42 years old and have a family of parents. I have always wanted to work back home and this year I have the chance. The most important thing is that it is close to home. It is much more convenient to take care of my parents and children." Zhao Chunyan of Dayantsui Village, Suanshui Town, Songzi City, looks happy.

On January 16, 2023 "Spring Breeze Action and Employment Assistance Month" of Songzi City Suizhou Textile and clothing special job fair was successfully held in Suizhou town.

This activity is a special job fair for the textile and garment industry. 34 enterprises were invited to participate in the activity, including 22 textile and garment enterprises, including Songzi Honghan Clothing Co., LTD., Pattina (Hubei) Clothing Co., LTD., Hubei Junli Sports Goods Co., LTD., Songzi Meili Clothing Co., LTD.

"Working as a team leader in Merlin Clothing can get up to 10,000 yuan a month. I have 5 years' experience as a team leader in Shenzhen, which is just right. I'm going to work for Merlin after the New Year." Camphor creek village Li Chunbo site and Merlin clothing Co., Ltd. finalize the intention to work, the future life is also full of hope.

According to statistics, more than 1200 people entered the recruitment activity, and 152 people initially reached employment intention, among which 123 people reached employment intention in the textile and garment industry. It is understood that Songzi Human Resources and Social Security Bureau will continue to carry out "Spring Breeze Action Textile and Clothing special Job Fair" in Yanglin Town, Wangjiaqiao Town and Xinjiangkou Street, where textile and clothing industry employees are relatively concentrated, to help returnees find employment in their hometown, alleviate the city's textile and clothing industry employment difficulties, and promote the healthy economic development of the city.

Hubei Jianli

On the eve of the Spring Festival, the garment industry park in Xingou Town, Jianli City, the sewing machine in the standardized clothing workshop "Da da" sound one after another, the worker Liu Hongxia operated quickly, after this batch of goods can have a holiday.

This time in previous years, Liu Hongxia or Guangzhou to return to the army of a member of the supervisor. Last October, she and more than 30 fellow villagers followed her boss, Liu Weimao, back to Xingou. This Spring Festival, Liu Hongxia no longer has to travel thousands of miles. It only takes more than 10 minutes to go home from the park after work every day. She has prepared her Spring Festival goods early and "has a year of ease".

In March last year, in order to attract Jianli textile and garment entrepreneurs back to their hometown, Xingou Town rearranged idle factories, improved infrastructure, built an industrial park of 17,000 square meters, and established Fuxing Clothing Co., LTD.

"Go home and develop well!" In October, Liu Weimao, who had been struggling in Guangzhou for 18 years, decided to move his garment factory back to Xingou and into the industrial park. Up to now, 23 garment companies like Liu Weimao have moved back to the park, and more than 10 companies have recently agreed to settle there. Like Liu Hongxia, more than 800 workers from other places have returned to work.

In the past, Jianli City has been in the "two parallel lines" to attract investment and recruitment, investment projects after landing to recruit workers, the integration of the two is not high. The exploration and practice of Xingou and other towns have provided new ideas for the city to attract investment and recruit workers. At the beginning of the year, Jianli focuses on the local struggling textile and garment entrepreneurs, the investment, recruitment "two parallel lines" twist into "a rope", so that enterprises move back, workers "return to the nest", to achieve investment and recruitment "the same direction".

Jianli's new method of attracting investment originates from its unique resource advantage in textile and garment industry. As a major city for traditional textile and sewing workers, there are nearly 100,000 people engaged in the textile and garment industry in this city. More than 85% of them work outside the city, and some of them succeed in starting their own businesses and becoming bosses.

When entrepreneurs return to their hometown for the Spring Festival, all Jianli employees are mobilized to attract investment from family, friendship, village and business. Xingou, Wangshi, Chengji and Daduan Administrative Area actively organize and carry out symposia on returning garment enterprises, accurately meet the needs of garment enterprises for settling down, returning entrepreneurs for starting businesses and returning workers for employment, and do their best to help and support them to "return home".

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