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Digitalization empowers the fashion industry

How can the fashion industry be empowered by technology? How does traditional fashion play with digital? The Ningbo Fashion Festival 2022 and the 26th Ningbo International Fashion Festival, which kicked off on Nov 11, has come to a successful conclusion. This fashion festival has seamlessly connected the fashion industry with the most cutting-edge digital technology.

The 4-day Ningbo Fashion Festival, with the theme of "Sea rhyme Tidal Surge, Fashion Oriental", is guided by science and technology, fashion and green, with a total of 6 sections and 25 activities. Among them, the exhibition has attracted 178 enterprises and 228 brands to participate offline, with a total exhibition area of 40,000 square meters. There are five exhibition areas: fashion classic area, fashion digital area, fashion living area, fashion supply chain area and fashion outdoor leisure area. More than 5,000 professional businessmen came to the meeting to negotiate and purchase, and more than 10,000 ordinary visitors visited and interacted.

Create a diversified style of fashion brands

Boyang Group will bring the NFCC Ningbo Fashion Creative Center project to the classic exhibition area of the Fashion Festival. Boyang subdivides the space industry into the reconstruction of old industrial relics, the creation of fashion creative communities, the renewal of urban blocks and the construction and operation of urban fashion landmarks. Space, they argue, could be more empowering for the fashion industry than the products themselves. Under the guidance of "pan-fashion", NFCC will create a fashion industry gathering place, fashion culture exchange place, fashion talent training place, fashion trend release place and fashion business source integrating "industry, education, research and exhibitors". Relying on Ningbo's high-quality industrial foundation and linking the upstream and downstream resources of fashion industry, NFCC will accelerate the development of fashion creative industry and spread new fashion concepts. In order to further cultivate new brands, new designers, for the development of the fashion industry to create a broader space and possibility. The project includes nearly 10,000 square meters of innovative commercial blocks and over 40,000 square meters of high-end business office space, creating a new landmark of fashion life with multiple volume business space, further enhancing the fashion atmosphere of Ningbo.

The first landing of Ningbo Fashion Festival of Ya Ying, a debut is a big deal. Set up three series of exhibition halls: Ya Ying advanced custom collection works, take representative elements such as ruyi, song brocade, display embroidery, beading, pleating and other handcraft; EP YAYING Colorful nationality series is on display in the Nation exhibition hall, showing national patterns, traditional techniques and Chinese colors. Yak Plush Exhibition Hall on display EPYAYING Yak Plush series, contributing to ecological fashion and domestic circulation.

"When Silk meets Technology" is the theme of this exhibition, which showcases the butterfly satin number weaving technology which is different from traditional silk weaving. It uses the infinite gradient feature of modern digital weaving technology to give silk a new look.

As Chinese elements begin to make their way onto the international stage, "Chinese style" has increasingly become a source of inspiration for the fashion industry. This Ningbo Fashion Festival, a number of enterprises are trying to use their own unique insights and ways of expression, to realize the traditional culture of fashion inheritance.

Create a digital ecosystem for the fashion industry

A unique "meta-universe fashion show" opened the curtain of this Ningbo Fashion Festival, and also opened the prelude of Ningbo fashion industry to embrace technology. More insiders believe that this "meta-universe fashion show" has laid the foundation for the fashion festival to lead the development of the fashion industry with digital.

Walking into the No. 2 hall of the Fashion Festival, which is the fashion digital area, you will be confronted with a thick atmosphere of science and technology. All kinds of intelligent machines, such as intelligent cutting machine, intelligent template machine and ultra-fast stepping sewing machine, have been moved to the exhibition hall. Dozens of exhibitors, such as Shoupu and Production Technology, also took out the latest scientific and technological achievements, from the manufacturing end, design end to the supply chain end, a full range of the most cutting-edge digital process of the fashion industry.

In terms of intelligent production, the national single - item champion Shoupu Technology can be said to be responsible. At the fashion festival, they presented the "killer app" -- a smart plate maker, whose biggest feature is that it can automatically produce curved lines. According to the booth staff, usually the plate machine is in the vertical and horizontal axis of the two moving, when to draw the arc will need manual intervention. But Shupu's machine has realized fully automatic plate making. As long as CAD design drawings are input into embedded software, no matter it is a small radius arc or a high-precision pattern, the mechanical arm can drive the needle in one go.

Cixing Co., LTD. (5.250, 0.07, 1.35%) exhibited the "Knit to Shape", a newly developed and mass-produced first-line intelligent computer flat knitting machine, as well as a flexible supply chain platform for knitted sweaters, as well as online integrated terminal sellers, designers, digital cloud factories and raw material suppliers. Realized the whole industry chain cooperation platform operation.

The "Digital Textile and Garment Design R&D Center" jointly built by the university and enterprise brought a digital clothing project integrating the meta-universe for this fashion festival. Through the meta-universe virtual simulation technology, it helps designers to complete the analog sample making through digital modeling in the fashion design link, and omits the step of making physical samples, greatly shortening the design and development cycle.

"The general trend of digitalization and intelligence is certain. I hope Ningbo enterprises will go down this road firmly." In the fashion festival, He Yaqiong, director of the Department of Consumer Goods of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, believed that Ningbo's fashion industry will rely on digital technology to create more wonderful, intelligent manufacturing and innovation to gather the new force of fashion.

Digital transformation is an irresistible trend in the fashion industry. Industry authorities point out that at present, China's fashion industry urgently needs to establish Chinese brand image, promote Chinese fashion to the world, expand the international market, and realize the international and domestic circular development pattern.

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