Industry news


Sinking production line, help sericulture industry development

On October 26 solstice 28, at the invitation of the shaanxi hanyin county rural revitalization of the office, plant diseases and insect pests prevention and control of the office of national sericulture technology system, the rural science and technology correspondent in guangzhou, south China agricultural university professor Liu Jiping team with CCB Wang Ruijie, director of the guangdong branch line, to shaanxi ankang municipality services in sericulture technology to the countryside, To provide technical guidance for the Agricultural Bureau of Hanyin County, rural cooperatives, leaders of leading enterprises, agricultural technology leaders and farmers, etc. to help rural revitalization.

The expert team first went to Pingliang Town, Hanyin County to carry out research. In the Sericulture Professional cooperative demonstration base of Xinglong Jiayuan, Liu Jiping picked diseased leaves and shared with the students the diagnosis methods and dangers of mulberry diseases. Liu Jiping pointed out that as winter approaches, bacterial diseases such as mulberry blight and fungal diseases such as brown spot occur frequently. For these diseases, carbendazim or recreational drugs for silkworm rearing can achieve better control effects. If mulberry blight is found in the sericulture season, the infected plants should be removed and treated in a centralized manner in time, and the infected locations of mulberry leaves should be sprayed with sericulture antibiotics, which can also effectively prevent the further spread of the disease. The concept of "silkworm medicine and mulberry use" was put forward by Professor Liu Jiping after summarizing the disease and pest control theories of sericulture for many years and combining with the production practice, which has proved to be effective in the production practice of several silkworm areas in the country.

In the sericulture technology training class, Liu Jiping made a presentation focusing on three themes: Construction of High-quality and Efficient Mulberry Garden, Mulberry Tree Cultivation Management and Disease and Pest Control Technology, and Special Training on sericulture and Chinese Herbal Medicine Planting Technology of Jin Zhi Benefitting Farmers. He also introduced the main symptoms and control methods of common silkworm diseases to sericulture farmers. Guide how to diagnose silkworm disease quickly and distinguish the true and false silkworm medicine circulating on the market. Liu Jiping's profound and simple technical guidance is widely recognized and welcomed by sericulture farmers.

On October 28, Liu Jiping, head of Shaanxi Ecological Mulberry Comprehensive Experimental Station of National Sericulture Industrial Technology System, Professor Su Chao from Northwest A&F University and other sericulture experts went to Mulberry Garden of sericulture Professional Cooperative in Zhangtan Town, Hanbin District, Ankang City to carry out winter management and disease investigation. In view of the serious situation of brown spot disease and anthrax in the mulberry garden, Liu Jiping pointed out that when the mulberry garden is closed in winter to disinfect the garden, it is necessary to use silkworm house disinfection with silkworm medicine or disinfection net to carry out comprehensive disinfection of the mulberry garden, timely removal and centralized destruction of diseased mulberry leaves, and the diseased plants are sprayed with a certain concentration of carbidazim and methyl topazine.

It is reported that this year, Hanyin County Wuping sericulture professional cooperative silkworm harvest in late autumn, the average cocoon production of more than 100 jin, the output value of more than 2500 yuan, the total output value of more than 250,000 yuan. CAI Qing, head of the sericulture cooperative of Xinglong Jiayuan in Pingliang Town, said a farmer earned more than 150,000 yuan from the last batch of silkworm cocoons this year. Hyin County takes advantage of the platform of financial assistance to the farmers' alliance of wisdom, takes the development of sericulture professional cooperatives as the starting point, gives full play to the strength of experts from the science and technology mission, promotes the development of sericulture industry to diversification and the whole industrial chain, and effectively promotes the rural revitalization.

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