Industry news


Green and sustainable development and carbon emission reduction have become a global consensus

Green and sustainable development and carbon emission reduction have become a global consensus. It is the trend of The Times and a systematic project, which requires rational design and systematic layout based on the overall situation. As far as the development of new products is concerned, first of all, it is necessary to get rid of the traditional thinking, implement the concept of sustainable development in the design stage, and strive to achieve the sustainable development of products from the selection of raw materials to the final recycling, and then proceed with the design and production on this basis.

At present, synthetic fiber is the most used material in conventional textile design. Although this kind of fiber has outstanding performance, its development under the sustainable development strategy also faces two problems: non-renewable and microplastic. Natural fibers, represented by cotton, are renewable resources, but their production process still requires a lot of water, chemicals and energy. In this context, some innovative textile design and development enterprises adhering to the concept of social responsibility start to turn their vision to raw materials with less ecological footprint, and a number of unique environmental products emerge at the historic moment. This magazine will be divided into two issues to introduce them.

Banana fiber is one of the strongest natural fibers in the world. Made from the stem of the banana tree, it is extremely durable and the product is biodegradable. Fibers consist of thick-walled tissue held together by natural gums; It is mainly composed of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Banana fiber is similar to natural bamboo fiber, but has better spinnability and tensile strength. Banana fiber can be used to make a variety of textiles of varying weight and thickness, depending on which part of the banana stem the fiber is extracted from, for example, the outer bark of the banana tree is thicker and stronger, while fibers from the inner lining are softer. The Bananatex fabric developed by Swiss luggage brand QWSTION is made of 100% banana fiber, which is durable and waterproof to a certain extent. The whole bag is biodegradable. Based on the characteristics of Bananatex fabric, the bag can be 100% recycled when damaged.

Citrus fibers are made from cellulose extracted from discarded orange peels and can be blended with other materials. The 100% citrus fiber fabric is light, soft and silky, and biodegradable. In addition, the fabric can also appear opaque or shiny according to production requirements. Orange Fiber, an Italian startup, has developed a vegan fabric made from citrus Fiber as an alternative to silk. In July 2021, the company partnered with Austria's Lenzing group to develop the first Tencel branded Lessel fiber made from citrus by-products and wood pulp, which went on sale in October 2021.

Grape fiber is made entirely from plant materials (such as grape skins, stems and seeds), and is rich in lignocellulose and oil. In 2017, Vegea won the Global Change Award created by H&M Foundation. In collaboration with Italian wineries, the company has developed VegeaTM, a material that transforms by-products of the brewing industry into leather substitutes. There is no solvent, heavy metal or other harmful substances in the production process. The technology was mass-produced in 2020, and the leather is used in H&M's Conscious Exclusive collection.

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