Industry news


Hongan Dabu traditional textile skills: 72 workers are weaved to make simple beauty

Hongan Daobu, Changsheng Street, Changsheng Street, Qiling Town, Hong'an County, in the non -legacy workshop in Hongan Da Bu, 60 -year -old Huang Zhenlan was sitting in front of the old wooden woven machine. Torter -out, a Red An Dabu presented in front of the reporter.

"Fast weaving, you can weave 10 meters a day." Huang Zhenlan said.

In the store of about 100 square meters, the bedding, scarves, shirts, pajamas, and handbags stitched by Hongan Da cloth. Hongan Dabu's traditional textile skills have a history of more than thousands of years. Huang Zhenlan's craftsmanship was passed down from his grandmother's hands. "My grandfather did not have legs and could not do farm work. It relied on grandma spinning woven fabrics to maintain their livelihood. In the Revolutionary War, the people had made clothes and bedding for the Red Army with a gauze. Therefore, Red An Dabu has a clear red mark, also known as the Red Army cloth, "said Huang Zhenlan.

Later, Grandma passed this skill to her mother. When Huang Zhenlan was 10 years old, she followed her mother's spinning line. At the age of 16, she had become a powerful helper for her mother. Now she passed to her post -90s daughter. In 2009, Hongan Dabu successfully applied for the intangible cultural heritage of Hubei Province, and Huang Zhenlan became a representative inheritor. In order to protect and inherit this traditional skill, Hong'an County Cultural Tourism Bureau provided her with this store for free. In July 2010, Huang Zhenlan appeared in the Shanghai World Expo with Hongan Dabu's traditional textile skills. In 2013, Huang Zhenlan registered the "Huang Zhenlan" trademark. Today, her stores have developed to three, with a total operating area of more than 700 square meters, an annual income of nearly 8 million yuan, and fixed employees, which drives more than 300 left -behind women in the county to employment at home.

Huang Zhenlan introduced that Hongan Dabu was made of cotton handmade craftsmanship. It feels thick, comfortable to skin, warm in winter, cool in summer, breathable and sweat, no static electricity, fresh color, bright rhythm, rich rhythm, giving people a simple beauty. From a group of cotton to a piece of cloth, the main processes are as many as 72, including cotton strips, spinning, piercing lines, dyeing threads, pulp, pouring barrels, ledns, combed, wearing buckles, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, on -board, and on -board planes. Wait, there are 11 core processes, which are very complicated. In recent years, she has actively cooperated with Hong'an County to hold Hongan Dabu traditional textile skills training courses to teach apprentices. There are more than 150 market entities that are manufactured, weaving, clothing, skill training, and online and offline sales. There are more than 150 market entities engaged in Hongan Dabu related production and sales, and only 29 Changsheng Street will reach 29 The annual comprehensive output value reached more than 60 million yuan.

At present, Huang Zhenlan is in contact with Hunan Xiangxi, introducing the wax dyeing process into Hongan Dabu, and further enriching the color and product system of Hongan Dabu. Hong'an County is also actively planning to introduce the modern textile industry enterprise in Shandong, which is combined with the traditional textile skills of Hongan Da Bu to further promote the bigger and stronger of Hongan Dabu Industry.

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