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The first smart energy and energy textile industrial park in Fujian Province

On April 14, the first smart energy and energy textile industrial park in Fujian Province was put into transport in Hong Kong Textile Industrial Park, Fuzhou Changle Huayang Textile Group. Huanggang Textile Wisdom Energy Industrial Park focuses on clean energy applications, green travel, energy saving and cargo and other core modules, innovative design, integrated development of customer side smart energy management system customer side smart power management system, implementing green low-carbon wisdom. After the first phase of the project is shipped, the park saves more than 38.36 million yuan per year, and the comprehensive energy efficiency of enterprises is 16.5%.

"We use the key industrial enterprises in Fujian, Fujian Province, actively respond to national 'carbon peaks, carbon neutral and" strategies from green low carbon, dedicated to creating zero carbon plants, enhance the level of energy efficiency, and achieves Equipment, promoting the Group's continued high quality development. "Hong Kong Textile Industrial Park administrative manager was intimate.

Industry is the most important engine for national economic development, and is also the first large terminal energy consumption and carbon emissions in China. Under carbon-up, carbon and strategic targets, the industrial sector is not only an inevitable requirement, but also a key element of a city to improve competitiveness. As an important carrier of the industrial aggregation, industrialization and urbanization of Fujian Province, the park is an important way for green low-carbon development is an important way to achieve carbon-up, carbon neutralization. Fuzhou Integrated Energy Information Service Co., Ltd. focuses on energy conservation and reduction in industrial parks, carrying out green low-carbon wisdom to empowerment, and built the first smart energy textile industrial park demonstration project in the province in Fuzhou Changle Wah Group Group.

Huanggang Textile Group Industrial Park covers nearly a thousand acres, and it is a "100 million" directory of Fujian Province. As production capacity continues to increase, the production energy consumption trend in the group park is increased. How to use advanced energy-saving technology to improve the energy efficiency level in the premise of production quality, and achieve the urgent needs of the enterprise. In August 2021, Guozhou Changle Power Supply Company visited by a big customer, and keenly found the ability of the company. Immediately, the company is connected to Fuzhou Integrated Energy Co., Ltd., based on clean energy, industrial energy saving means, wisdom can provide competitive "package" integrated energy solutions for tools for tools. The implementation of the program can fully enhance the comprehensive energy efficiency, saving the company's expenditure, and has obtained high recognition of the company, and implements it.

In terms of clean energy, the project is based on the resource conditions in the park. It is constructed to build a total-installed capacity of about 10 MW, which is about 10 million kilowatts. When the annual power generation, the carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced by about 9880 tons, which greatly improves The renewable energy of the park is proportional. In terms of industrial energy consumption, project fusion network, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other technologies, centralized monitoring and management of energy, steam and other energy consumption in the park, realizing digital, refinement, and data information combination Production management means effectively reducing product single consumption, and promoting enterprises to increase the results. In industrial energy-saving, the project uses a flexible business model such as contract energy management to energy-saving and renovating enterprise important production power equipment. Under the premise of satisfying the production process of enterprises, it solves high energy consumption problems of production power equipment, and the comprehensive power transmission rate of 23.7%. On central heating service, the project combined with the park employee apartment with thermal demand, using energy efficiency than higher polymer heat pump centralized hot water supply systems to supply apartment and living hot water, compared with traditional electric heating equipment 80% . In the intelligent operation and maintenance of station, the project uses "online + line" integrated intelligent operation and maintenance mode, and transforms the customer side distribution station from "passive repair" into "active operation and maintenance". Enterprise operation and maintenance costs decrease 33%, effectively improved the reliability of the park. Upper building can be optimized, the project is based on the integrated office building air conditioner for enterprises, customizes "air-conditioning can be managed" services to enterprise air conditioners, and realizes air conditioning system management energy saving up to 7%. On the green travel, the project deploys 18 electric automotive charging piles according to the existing situation in the park. The renovation of the renovation of the production vehicle gradually improved the construction of the production vehicle, meeting the green travel needs of the park, and the parking of the park. On the intelligence management management, the project is a single backward status for electricity management means for park employees, deploying remote prepaid management systems, and empowering companies are fine and efficient to employee apartments, eliminate abnormal electric vulnerabilities.

"We combine the energy features and actual needs of the enterprise, we have customized a package of comprehensive energy solutions, effectively improve the comprehensive energy efficiency of the textile park, reduce the amount of fossil fuel usage and carbon emissions, and realize the fineness and digitization of enterprises. Finally, transformation is real economic benefits. "The relevant person in charge of Fuzhou Integrated Energy Company said. Through the landing and implementation of the eight green integrated energy business, the project relies on the customer's smart energy management system, constructing multi-energy conversion, more complementary, multi-network integrated energy digital network, outlined enterprise energy consumption, carbon emissions, carbon reduction The "panorama portrait" "panorama" in the row, realizes the overall reduction of the park and low-carbon development.

In the future, Fuzhou Integrated Energy Information Service Co., Ltd. will continue to explore the industrial sector energy-saving new equipment, new technologies, new models, landing core business, creating a benchmark demonstration, reproduction and promotion, expanding the construction of smart energy parks, and promoting the integrated energy market in the industrial field. Development, contributing to the national "3060" double carbon strategic objectives.

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