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International Textiles Board of Directors Held

On March 23, the International Textile Manufacturers Federation (hereinafter referred to as: International Textiles) Board of Directors was held at 18:00 Beijing time.

Chairman of International Textile Industry, China Textile Industry Association (hereinafter referred to as: China Textiles) President Sun Ruizhe attended and hosted the meeting. Xu Yingxin, Vice President of China Textile, Yuan Hongping, deputy secretary-general of China Textile, Yuan Hongping, deputy director of China Textile International Trade Office, Liu Yaozhong, Director of Foreign Affairs Office, attended the meeting.

In the opening of the meeting, Sun Ruizhe talked about that in 2022, it is a challenging year 2022. The new crown epidemic has not been completely overcome, and the Ukrainian crisis comes one after another. Although it is now judged that the global economic situation will grow early, if energy trade changes, supply chain reorganization, payment network splits, and national re-considering reserve currency reserves, Russian conflicts may fundamentally change the global economy And geopolitical order.

Sun Ruizhe pointed out that international textiles should continue to maintain global vision, perform their duties, more attention to industry and enterprises, helping them to survive and develop in a constantly changing, increasingly complex world. And focus on the work of international textile industry:

Sun Ruizhe first talked about the national, industry, and the University of the University, University, and Research Institute, and the international level, and active in the textile and apparer of the textile and apparel. Introduced the experience and practice of China's textile industry to work on the construction of industry thinking, service industry. It is mentioned that the national key laboratory, the national key laboratory, the National Engineering Technology Center, the scientific research and innovation platform founded by the leading enterprise himself; AffoA, "Horizon Europe", "Horizon EUROPE" Waiting for the world-famous wiskin or funding items related to textile and apparel.

About the influence of the International Textile Conservancy for the Future Development of the Industry, Sun Ruizhe emphasizes that the intelligence can be studied in the future of climate change, digitization, artificial intelligence, textile and manufacturing, the future of International Textiles, and a prosperity for industry planning. Continuous road; publication speech at the frontier international forum, and maintain high-level links with industry executives, academic ideology, start-up enterprises, and entrepreneurs to improve the image, capabilities and influence of international textiles in national, regional and global levels. .

Sun Ruizhe suggested that international textiles can establish their global R & D platforms around the world through the cooperation with universities, scientific institutions, research institutions or key industrial clusters in a given key area. Global Innovation Center or International Textile Global Industry Demonstration Base, the leading edge technology is the advanced productive forces, carrying out pilot projects, leading the industry development.

The meeting also discussed on the issue of "establishing the International Textile Standardization Committee"; at the same time, the Director of the Vice President and Standardization Working Committee of China Textile Industry Association, Li Ling apprled the Director of the State Textile Standardization Technical Committee, served as the International Textile Standardization Committee The Chairman's proposal.

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