Industry news


In the Internet era, the traditional industry of clothing is facing greater transformation and breakthrough bottlenecks

The apparel industry is the second industry in Zhuzhou with a value of over 100 billion yuan. However, compared with other fast-growing high-tech industries, the traditional industry of apparel is facing a greater bottleneck in transformation and breakthrough. How to achieve a new breakthrough in the apparel industry in the era of the Internet and e-commerce in full swing? On March 10, Lusong District held a discussion about clothing and "future".

Ma Gao, Hu Xuan, Chen Pengfei... A group of trendsetters who have been at the forefront of the apparel industry and live broadcast e-commerce in recent years, together with the equally young Lusong District mayor Wang Qiang and other leaders, constitute this "together to the future, The communication core of "Clothing Youth Club". There was no report document, no speech, everyone combined their own feelings, or complained, or sighed, the scene was relaxed and happy. In the past two years, the live broadcast of the apparel industry has become extremely popular, and Zhuzhou has emerged. With a group of powerful head anchors, the counterattack has become the darling of online platforms such as Douyin. As a leader among the top anchors, Ma Gua of Subai Clothing believes that compared with Hangzhou, Wuhan and other places that are leading in the field of live broadcast e-commerce, Zhuzhou has created considerable results with a smaller total number of stores, and the government should further Encourage and guide, let more clothing enterprises "electric shock".

Ma Jiao, chairman of Hunan Xinsubai Clothing Co., Ltd.: The clothing industry has made efforts to introduce relevant policies in this section to encourage everyone to open stores enthusiastically. These more than 4,000 people have taken up the tenth place (domestic e-commerce sales), so I I think there is a lot of space

The rise of live broadcast e-commerce has driven the growth of the entire apparel industry chain. The geometric growth of live broadcast sales has put forward new requirements for the supply chain and the ability to quickly respond to processing and production. Such fertile soil has enabled many apparel processing enterprises to grow rapidly. Apparel practitioners such as Zhu Zhiguo and Hu Xuan believe that they should strike while the iron is hot to guide such mid-waist enterprises to develop towards branding and high-end development.

Zhu Zhiguo, general manager of Zhuzhou Benhu Garment Factory: Mid-waist enterprises and these factories with independent R&D and independent production and manufacturing capabilities have begun to rise and have a complete quick response system, so I also call on the government to pay attention to these batches Group because they also need to be respected because many of these bosses are post-80s and post-90s very innovative

Hu Xuan, Chairman of Hunan Huxuan Clothing Co., Ltd.: They actually want to prove that they make tens of millions of net profits a year. They buy a 10,000-square-meter factory and set up intelligent equipment to empower brands. So I think that in the end Baiguan (industrial park) can play a very important role in undertaking the landing

Focusing on the incubation of live broadcast e-commerce talents and anchors, everyone suggested that we should not only pay attention to talent training, but also pay attention to the social recognition of such talents. At the same time, in response to issues such as non-standardization of the live broadcast industry, taxes and fees, we hope that the government will provide more easy-to-understand and even "fool-style" policy publicity and popularization, so that the majority of practitioners can consciously regulate their operations.

Li Jinjing, Assistant President of Xinjindi Group: These merchants who do live broadcast e-commerce do not know how to regulate and how to file tax returns. They do not know anything, so this part needs a lot of training to guide the government or interpretation of policies. span

The communication lasted for nearly three hours. Wang Qiang and the heads of relevant departments and units in the district always participated in it, and discussed from time to time. The atmosphere was warm. In response to everyone's opinions, measures such as "further increasing the preferential treatment of Baiguan Garment Industrial Park", "increasing the cultivation and introduction of anchor talents", and "encouraging the integration of online and offline apparel enterprises" are being put on the agenda.

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