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nternational Textile Federation will make greater efforts to deal with the impact of the epidemic

Sun Ruizhe, chairman of the International Textile Federation and chairman of the China National Textile and Apparel Council, attended and presided over the meeting.

Wang Tiankai, former chairman of the International Textile Federation and former chairman of the China Textile Federation, Xia Lingmin, Xu Yingxin, Li Lingshen, Yang Zhaohua, vice presidents of the China Textile Federation, Yuan Hongping, deputy secretary-general and director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the China Textile Federation, and director of the Industry Development Department of the China Textile Federation Feng Dehu, Director of Productivity Promotion Department Qiao Yanjin, Director of Social Responsibility Office Yan Yan, Chairman of China Cotton Textile Industry Association Zhu Beina, Chairman of China Printing and Dyeing Industry Association Chen Zhihua, Chairman of China Textile Machinery Association Gu Ping, Deputy Director of China Textile Federation International Trade Office Liu Yaozhong , Huang Song, director of the International Organization Department of the Foreign Affairs Office, and Gao Mingmu, director of the Foreign Exchange and Cooperation Department, attended the meeting.

In the opening speech of the meeting, Sun Ruizhe said that the global economy is recovering, but it still faces many risks, including new mutated viruses, uncertainty about the direction of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, and inflation expectations continue to rise.

Sun Ruizhe pointed out that a new year means a new chapter. In 2022, the International Textile Federation will mainly focus on the following topics: coping with the socio-economic impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, industrial security and supply chain issues, the road to "carbon neutrality" and digital transformation. And make greater efforts in the following areas:

First of all, the International Textile Federation will increase investment to help members and partners cope with the uncertainty brought about by the new crown pneumonia epidemic. In 2022, as information sharing tools, the International Textile Federation's new crown pneumonia epidemic survey, the International Textile Federation Newsletter, and the International Textile Federation Webinars will continue to provide its global members with new data, industry practices and insights, and provide guidance for the industry to respond to the crisis .

Secondly, the International Textile Federation will continue to call on all economies to commit to open cooperation to ease the current trade tensions and maintain the global multilateral trading system, thereby supporting economic growth and employment. Recently, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) came into effect, which will promote regional free trade integration, safeguard multilateralism, and drive global economic development.

Third, the International Textile Federation will reasonably guide the industry to accelerate the realization of "carbon neutrality" and provide support for its members to address climate change. Recommendation: Establish a working mechanism led by the Secretary-General of the International Textile Federation, focusing on the greenhouse gas emission standards for the textile industry in different countries and regions and the identification system for low-carbon product standards for textile products; actively explore "shortcuts" for establishing think tanks in specific fields , to strengthen open and inclusive linkages with industry-related international organizations or multilateral mechanisms.

Fourth, the International Textile Federation will continue to explore new fields and expand its global influence and relevance. In 2021, the application for the International Textile Federation awards was successfully launched. In 2022, the establishment of the International Textile Federation Standards Committee will be launched. As a daunting but worthwhile field, standards are the basis for an industry to establish order and credibility, which will drive the industry forward and achieve sustainable development.

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