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International Textile Manufacturers Federation takes online

On November 16, the International Textile Manufacturers Federation (hereinafter referred to as the International Textiles) Textile Machinery Conference was held at 18:00 Beijing time, and the meeting took line + live form. The International Textile Board of Directors and the representative of the members of the International Textile Management Committee, and nearly 500 people representatives of the Textile Machinery Enterprises were attended.

The International Textile Textile Machinery Conference is the traditional industry conference of the International Textiles. Every year, the International Association of Switzerland, Germany and Italy is held in Zurich, Frankfurt, and Milan.

The Chairman of International Textiles, Sun Ruixin, the President of China Textile Industry Association, Vice President of China Textiles, Yang Zhaohua, Director of the Deputy Secretary-General of China Textile Union, Yuan Hongping, Director of the Market Department, director of the Market Department, director of the Social Responsibility Office, Yan Yan, Liu Yazhong, President of China Textile Machinery Association, Liu Yazhong, deputy director of China Textiles International Trade, Liu Yusheng, Vice President of China Textile Machinery Association, Cong Zheng, Secretary-General, Director of China Textile Foreign Affairs Office, Huang Wei, foreign exchange The Chinese textile representative of the Director of the Cooperation Department participated in the meeting.

Chairman of International Textiles, Director of China Textile Industry Federation, made a speech. He pointed out that at present, the century epidemic and a hundred years of intervailing, multilateralism with a fierce game with single-sidedism, as a highly global textile and apparel industry, and the difficult zones of the world economic recovery. It is necessary to practice multilateralism and carry out pragmatic cooperation is the right path in the world. International Textiles has always adhered to mutual trust mutual benefit and contributes to joint sharing, and continues to play a constructive role in promoting sustainable development and common prosperity of global industries.

First, persistence and focus development, maintain a safe and stable global textile supply chain. International Textile Optimization Situation and Judgment, Sharing Best Practices, Promoting Different Regions and Downstream Interactions, Strengthen Policies and Standards. Second, adhere to the Pleasant Inclusion, Green, and Promote the Construction of People and Natural Destiny Communies. The International Textiles continues to improve the effectiveness, fairness, balance, coordination of the industry, and help to implement the Sustainable Development Agenda for 2030. Third, adhere to innovation drivers, open a win-win, create high quality development industrial ecosystems. The International Textiles Adheres to the correctness of the poor, and its highly enhanced innovation cooperation in the construction of human fate community.

Sun Ruizhe pointed out that the International Wills Textile Mechanical Seminar is a key platform that enhances understanding of mutual trust and promoting innovation cooperation. I believe that this meeting will bring new wisdom to the healthy and stable development of future industries.

2021 is the 50th anniversary of the Ministry of China's legal seat, and is also the 20th anniversary of China's joining the World Trade Organization. China is actively integrated into the world, serving the world, transforming the world opportunities to China achievements, and transforming China's achievements into world opportunities. Opening has become a clear logo of contemporary China, focusing on building a "double cycle" new development pattern, new open and development space is open, which is a common opportunity. As an important participant and practitioner, the textile and apparel industry needs to open new explorations.

Subsequently, Sun Ruizhe shared communication with everyone around the innovation practice of the China Textile and Apparel Industry. 2020, affected by the epidemic, 10 countries in the top 10 countries (regions) in the forefront of the world (region), and China's growth rate of 29%, and contributed to the world's anti-disease. Since this year, China's textile industry has maintained a smooth operation, and the textile machinery industry has formed a strong support for industrial development. From January to September 2021, China's textile machinery import and export was $ 6.155 billion, an increase of 14.25% year-on-year. Among them, the textile machinery imports of US $ 2647 million, a year-on-year increase of 29.15%; exports of $ 350.8 million, a year-on-year increase of 5.25%.

Sun Ruizhe pointed out that the current, the world's economic recovery is difficult to go, and the growth lacks long-term motivation; the open consensus has weakened, trade zone has become new features; digital economy depth penetration, profoundly change the global industrial pattern; green transformation is fully accelerated, reshape industrial competitive advantage With rules. The Development Environment of China 's Textile and Apparel Industry Presents High Complexity and Uncertainty.

Sun Ruizhe introduced that in this situation, the China Textile Industry conducted a series of new exploration and new practices. The first is open, broadly and more in-depth global cooperation. China's textile industry continues to optimize domestic and foreign capacity layouts, integrated with global quality resources, and promotes the upgrade of global textile industry chain value chains. Secondly, agility, data-driven flexible manufacturing. The new generation of information technology pushes the digital transformation of the supply chain, which is forming a flexible manufacturing system for accurate matching, resource efficient link, and elements interconnection. Third, ecological, synergistic and efficient platform economy. The industrial Internet and other infrastructure are supported, the industrial system of large and medium-sized and medium-sized fusion, the production and supply and marketing cooperation, and multi-element agglomeration. Fourth, the green transformation of the systemization and full product cycle. From the material, the industrial system and governance system of the recovery, the green low carbon cycle is accelerated. Fifth, standardization, with mechanism innovation industrial innovation. With the measures mechanism of intellectual property protection, the innovation of textile industry is increasingly active.

At present, China is accelerating the new development pattern of "double cycle". Under the new pattern, the industry also established the new development positioning in the "14th Five-Year Plan", the pillar industry of the national economy and the development of the national economy, solving the basic industries, international cooperation and integration development of people's livelihood and beautification. In the future, industry will create a more open partner system, higher quality innovation system, more efficient manufacturing system, more green industrial system.

Finally, Sun Ruizhe is ending with "good time is available, linearly" verses, calling on the global textile industry to strengthen cooperation and create a better tomorrow.

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