Industry news


[After the "limited electric charge", the textile costs r

In the first half of 2021, the "Double Control" (energy consumption intensity and total energy consumption) of various regions showed that the energy intensity and energy consumption of Zhejiang belong to the secondary warning, and the situation is relatively serious.

Not only in Shaoxing Keqiao, under the national carbon peak, carbon neutralization, China's high-energy basic industry is facing a high voltage line of energy consumption "double-control".

Many people have realized that many people realize that the "double limit" brought by "Double Control" is not a chartered, and it will become a norm in the future. This also makes many textile fiber people concerned about future markets and price trends, which is not allowed to supply source supply.

After the "limited electric charge", the textile costs rose!

Since the end of September, the "limited electricity tide" has affected many provinces in the country, in Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Shanghai and other regions have already opened the adjustment of "rising electricity prices", allowing the coal-electricity market transaction price to float up on the benchmark price.

In addition, the relevant departments are also actively solving the problem of national coal shortage. On September 29th, the National Railway Group also released the "Notice on Doing a Good Job of Power Supply Enterprise Direct Protection Coal Middle and Long-term Contract", further increase the tilt of power generation coal transportation Strength.

On July 23, the Inner Mongolia Industry and Technology Department, the Development and Reform Commission issued the "Notice on the Confirmation of the Floating Limit of the Power Trading Market in Monte" and Adjusting the Market Trading Policy. It is specified that since August, the cost of coal-fired power generation in the Monsti area can fall without more than 10% on the basis.

According to the analysis of the Sino-Golden Enterprise, the Monsti area took the lead in clearing the price of the price of the price, helping thermal power to achieve profit marginal improvement, the adjustment is also the first time after the "drop price" and floating electricity price policy since 2017, the first time the electricity price control.

According to the "People's Daily" report, on August 4th, the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Development and Reform Commission issued the "Notice on Adjusting the Power Direct Transactions", which is related to the direct transaction of Ningxia from 8 to December, the power transaction Adjustment, and proposes to allow coal-electricity transactions on the basis of the base price, no more than 10%.

Subsequently, the Shanghai Economic and Information Commission released the "Supplementary Notice on Carrying the Direct Trading Work of Shanghai Electric Power" and Power Generation Enterprises in 2021, requiring further improvement of the "base price + up and down floating" electricity market price formation Mechanism, canceling the provisions of the electricity price "temporarily not floating" on the coal-fired benchmark.

Key provinces, control, difficult to stop chemical workers continue to supply

In addition, there are restricted measures in Anhui, Fujian, Hunan, Guangdong, etc., which have been launched every month in January-December. The capacity of various chemical products such as the hexamide industry chain, the solid epoxy resin industry chain in Anhui region, and the capacity of various chemicals such as ABS industry chains in the Jilin area will appear.

It is understood that the above-mentioned regions still continue to stop the limit, the chemical industry is a relatively developed area, involving a variety of chemical products. Under the strict limit reduction measures, many companies have now announced that the holidays are no longer overtime, that is, the gap of these products is still there after the holidays. Before the energy consumption has achieved certain results, it is difficult to resume production in the above region, and the inquiishing situation will continue to promote the price of related industrial chain chemicals.

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