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Under the influence of multiple factors, China's textile app

2021 January-July total exports of Chinese textile and apparel declined year on year, but compared with the same period in 2019 continued to show growth. Among them, China's textile and garment exports in July declined year on year, growth situation.

The industry believes that, although China's textile and garment export growth slowed, but in the long term, under the influence of multiple positive factors, Chinese textile and apparel exports still vast market opportunities.

2021 January to July, total exports of Chinese textile and apparel 1.09021 trillion yuan, down 0.93% year on year increase of 5.5% over the same period in 2019. July textile and garment exports 181.39 billion yuan, down 18.24 percent year on year, growth of 1.82%, down 4.21% over the same period in 2019. Among them, textile exports 75.06 billion yuan, down 33.73 percent year on year, a decline of 6.90%, an increase of 1.30% over the same period in 2019; apparel exports 106.33 billion yuan, down 2.08% year on year, growth of 9.03 percent, down 7.76 over the same period in 2019 %.

"In July this year, the Global Outbreak repeatedly, Europe and Japan epidemic upgrade again, the Indian epidemic is serious, the Brazilian epidemic slow improvement in the global textile industry chain supply chain supply capacity has been weakened, some Southeast Asian orders reflux China, and promote the domestic textile market performed better than the epidemic former levels. "Zhuo record information analyst Liu Jie said the United States, ASEAN, EU and Japan four markets together accounted for 55 percent of China's total textile exports. In the first half of this year, China maintained stable growth in the United States and ASEAN's textile exports, textile export growth to the EU and Japan are relatively slow or decline.

Specifically, from January to June, China's textile and apparel exports to the US reached $ 25.31 billion, an increase of 12.8%, an increase of 19.4% over the same period in 2019.

China to ASEAN textile and garment exports 22.73 billion US dollars, an increase of 36%, an increase of 23.5% over the same period in 2019. Which focuses on commodity yarn fabric exports grew 40.8%, an increase of 6.9% over 2019. ASEAN to further enhance the Chinese textile and garment export market share to 15.8 percent, up 2.4 percentage points more than in 2020, for the first time beyond the EU.

China EU textile and clothing exports 21.22 billion US dollars, down 19.1 percent year on year, of which the second quarter, the monthly average fell as much as 43.2%, mainly driven by the rapid decline in immunization supplies, in the second quarter of the EU surgical masks and protective clothing exports total decline 94%. Key commodities woven clothing exports rose 24.5%, up 3.7% over 2019.

Chinese textile and garment exports to Japan 9.65 billion US dollars, down 8.2 percent year on year increase of 6.6% over the same period in 2019.

According to Zhuo record information survey, at present, Chinese textile enterprises generally relatively abundant feedback orders, orders for some enterprises to a single row around mid-September, product inventory low. However, raw materials and fuel prices, the high cost of shipping logistics and other difficulties and challenges in making big business pressure increases, profit margins are squeezed. In addition, global inflationary pressures, the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates expected to heat up, the epidemic situation is still uncertainty, cautious textile business orders, and post-export situation-see approach, as used with the mining of raw materials and more.

Liu Jie analysis, "In the short term, 'Golden September and Silver October," the traditional peak season coming up, coupled with the Southeast Asian epidemic still not under control, the first eight months, China's textile and apparel exports are still expected to maintain steady growth, but the higher the level of the base period, the month of August year decline also may be more obvious. In the long run, as the comprehensive economic partnership Agreement (RCEP) next area came into effect, and the effect 'along the way' continued growth in trade and other positive factors, Chinese textile and apparel is expected to continue to consolidate the international market share, Chinese textile and apparel industry is still promising. "

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