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Textile Regional Public Brand Strategic Decision Advisory Co

In order to further speed up the construction of the textile regional public brand "Keqiao's preferred" construction, on August 19, the first plenary meeting of the Textile Regional Public Brand Strategic Decision Advisory Committee was held at the Keqiao District Administrative Center.

Keqiao District Office, Propaganda Department, Finance Bureau, Commerce Bureau, Market Supervision Bureau, Textile City Co., Ltd., Development and Management Group, Textile City Construction Management Committee, Shaoxing Customs Supervision Striography Main Personnel, Textile Region All members of the Advisory Committee participated in this meeting. Chen Hao, deputy secretary of the Keqiao District Committee, and the district hero. The meeting was chaired by the deputy director of Keqiao District.

Keqiao textile industry has a long history, the foundation is strong, the industrial chain is complete, with the unique advantage of "market + printing and dyeing", is striving to build world-class modern textile industry clusters and new era. Although China Textile City is the world's largest textile distribution center, the lack of brand-name famous products is increasingly obvious, urgent needs through the implementation of "brand strategy", promoting industry brand development from the strategic level, and vigorously guides enterprises from simple "production Processors, "face accessories suppliers" transition to integrate materials innovation, process innovation, product day, leading the overall improvement of the industry, promoting the construction of the public brand "Keqiao", "Keqiao," in the textile area The main work of the bridge is heavy.

At the meeting, Fang beautifully read the list of members of the Textile Regional Public Brand Strategic Decision Advisory Committee, and the Decision Advisory Committee will meet regularly to evaluate or decision-making recommendations for regional public brands development strategy, standard system, dissemination and marketing. Chen Hao, member of the Director of the Decision Advisory Committee, Jiang Jianping, deputy director, Wu Haiyan, Shen Li, was awarded.

The Secretary of China Textile City Party Work Committee and Director of the Textile City Construction Management Committee Feng Huayin reported the progress of the preparations for public brand construction in textiles and the main matters. Feng Hualin said that the Keqiao District has formed a special time of the textile regional public brand "Keqiao Preparation", and the preparatory group of the preparatory group has officially operated, from the investigation and research, trademark registration, standard development, packaging, brand cultivation, and efficiency Promoting the preliminary work of the public brand strategy of textiles, some have made progress and phased results.

Feng Huinlin said that, at present, the textile regional public brand creation is still in the investigation and research and overall architecture design phase, facing the path and strategy of regional public brands, the operation mode selection, standard and evaluation system construction, the overall improvement of the textile-packaging image. Decision study.

Participants exchange discussions around the theme of the conference, decision consultation. Representatives represent the creation of public brands in textiles, and it is recommended to clarify customer groups and demand based on the positioning, goals, objects of brand building, clearing the original dilemma, and clearing the original dilemma. Combined with digital and cross-regional all-area links, promotion of regional public brands from standard construction, production city, design trend, etc., and continuously expand the preferred competitiveness of Keqiao.

Chen Hao pointed out in the pre-predetermined period of work, and the public brand to create a textile area is to speed up the transformation of China Textile City. The internal requirements of the construction of international textile capitals, all levels, industry enterprises should be brave in pioneering and innovation, actively explore practice .

He emphasized that it is necessary to form a brand strategic consensus, combined with industrial development advantages, innovate business model, and unswervingly advancing brand strategy. To do effectively play the role of the decision-making committee, support the participation of the decision-making advisory committee to participate in the research, standard development, platform operation, marketing planning, planning plan design, etc., promote the expansion of "Keqiao's preferred" influence; develop the brand development plan, in recent Mid-term, long-term development clear target vision, task initiative, system card, focus on research key areas, breakthrough direction; scientifically set standards, improve standard credibility, cognition, and build industry leading standard system; Pay attention to the brand operation, establish an objective and fair brand access, classification, evaluation feedback, etc., we must strictly grasp the brand management, strengthen quality supervision, strict access threshold, stabilize product quality, and effectively enhance brand identification; Brand marketing, strengthen brand cultural connotation, promoting the integration of double cycle, continuous brighten quality base, all parties work together, strive to create "Keqiao's preferred" into "domestic leading, international first-class" textile regional public brands.

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