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Foreign traders who have Vietnamese customers must pay atten

 194 cases, Binh Thuan Province 161 cases, Dong Thap Province 156 cases, Can Tho City 150 cases, Khanh Hoa Province 150 cases, Da Nang 93 cases.

Production difficulties in Vietnamese companies

   Due to its excellent epidemic prevention and control last year, Vietnam became one of the few countries in the world whose economy has grown against the trend. At present, Vietnam has replaced Bangladesh as the world's second largest exporter of textiles and clothing (after China). Many export companies in Vietnam have already received orders until the third quarter of 2021 or the entire year of 2021. However, the fall of epidemic prevention has forced many companies to stop operations.

   In order to preserve the manufacturing industry, Vietnam does not want companies to stop production and production, so the solutions given by the relevant departments are "three locales" and "two points and one line." The so-called "three on-site" refers to "on-site production, on-site meal, and on-site rest". To put it simply, workers don't leave after they enter the factory, and they live in the factory. The so-called "two points and one line" refers to companies that transport workers back and forth between the factory and the dormitory, avoiding external contacts and ensuring production.

   However, there have been many unexpected situations in the implementation of this policy. For example, in some factories, workers staged a collective "jailbreak", and some workers rushed to the door to beg for release because they had detected the infected person in their factories.

After an employee of Anpuxin, a Taiwanese company located in Binh Duong Province, Vietnam, was diagnosed with the new crown, the company ordered the closure of the factory in order to conduct nucleic acid tests on all employees, causing panic among the workers. Hundreds of employees ran away after "shaking" the iron door of the factory. . The Vietnamese government requires some large factories to establish left-behind factory dormitories and isolation plans for their employees, so some factory managers can only force workers not to leave; some factories simply close their doors because they cannot meet the "three locales"...

   For example, Nike’s foundry in Vietnam may face a “zero output” crisis. Nike’s two largest contract foundry companies in Vietnam, Baocheng Group and Chang Shin, have all shut down.

Backlog in the port of Ho Chi Minh City

   Saigon New Port, which manages the Inner City River Terminal in Ho Chi Minh City, informed customers that due to the severe impact of the epidemic on port operations, congestion has worsened, the pickup or release of imported containers is slow, and the backlog may increase. Affected by the congestion of major ports, the circulation and transit capacity of Gilai and adjacent deep-sea ports will also be weakened. Port yards are also under pressure to transfer containers. Drivers crossing between provinces in Vietnam must have 3-7 days of nucleic acid test results, otherwise they cannot operate.

   At present, the production capacity of many factories in Vietnam has been affected, and more and more small enterprises have closed down. According to the Ministry of Investment and Planning of Vietnam, in the first half of this year, a total of 70,209 enterprises in Vietnam closed down, an increase of 24.9% over last year. This is equivalent to closing 400 companies every day.

   Foreign traders who have Vietnamese customers must pay attention to the current shipping risks!

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