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Wujiang carry out "Sanshui Tongzhi" special rectification

On the afternoon of the 19th, Wujiang held a special rectification and mobilization meeting for the "Sanshui Tongzhi" printing and dyeing industry. The implementation of special rectification work for the printing and dyeing industry was implemented and the printing and dyeing industry was promoted in a regulated and orderly manner to further improve the water environment quality in Wujiang. The district responsible for printing and dyeing enterprises, the district leaders in charge of the district, the District Environmental Protection Bureau and District Water Resources Bureau responsible comrades attended the mobilization meeting.


The scope of this remediation for all printing and dyeing enterprises in the region, through remediation, the total number of wells in the region, the annual discharge of waste water within the limits of the permit within the pollution control, printing and dyeing industry in the region to raise the overall level of pollution prevention and control.


Specific requirements are:


1, all printing and dyeing enterprises must demolish all production equipment beyond the scope of the sewage permit by March 31;


2, by October 31 to complete the content of all the remediation, total water control system and the total amount of waste water discharge control system put into use, printing and dyeing enterprises and sewage treatment plant discharge standards and stability;


3, on December 31 to complete the assessment of the effectiveness of the renovation and acceptance of enterprises.


Cai Jianzhong, director of the District Environmental Protection Bureau, said that the report of the 19th National Congress of the CPC pointed out that the construction of ecological civilization is a grand project for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. In the past, the masses of the people "look forward to food and clothing", "seek survival", and now "hope for environmental protection" and "excellent ecology". We must establish a green Shushan Jinshan Yinshan is the development of philosophy, to provide more quality ecological products to meet people's growing Beautiful ecological environment needs, lay a good battle of blue sky battle and pollution prevention and control battle, in order to create a benchmark for Jiangnan Water Village unremitting struggle.


Printing and dyeing industry is Wujiang's traditional industries, is one hundred billion textile industry chain an important part. However, on the whole, the problems of large amount of waste water in the printing and dyeing industry and excess discharge of excessive sewage still exist. It is imperative to rehabilitate the printing and dyeing industry and improve the quality of the industry.


The printing and dyeing industry remediation, set up the first row of printing and dyeing enterprises, take over the business, to accept the printing and dyeing wastewater wastewater treatment plant to implement the corresponding wastewater discharge standards, all printing and dyeing enterprises need to prepare emergency response plans for environmental risks, the establishment of emergency organization system.


Printing and dyeing enterprises must regulate sludge disposal; District Environmental Protection Agency will be involved in the installation of total antimony online monitoring of enterprises, give half of the subsidies. On the morning of April 1, the District Environmental Protection Bureau will carry out a zero-point operation and seize all the enterprises that do not have the dye-cylinder demolition as required.


At the meeting, District Environmental Protection Agency Party members, Environmental Monitoring Brigade Captain Song Xiongying also deployed a special rectification requirements of the printing and dyeing industry.


Sun Zhijian, deputy director of the District Water Conservancy Bureau deployed a set of water and sewage outfall requirements for printing and dyeing enterprises. Zhang Ronghu, deputy director of the District Environmental Protection Bureau focused on the interpretation of "Wujiang District, key polluting enterprises intelligent monitoring and management practices (Trial)" of the relevant content.


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