Company news


The alarm bell Changming | Bo Wei held a safety system centr

Focus on the issue of safety systems

At 15:00 on November 8, 2021, the company focused on the issue of security system cum fourth quarter production safety work conference launching ceremony was held in the conference room on the second floor, Jing leadership in the company, department heads, deputy director of the workshop a total of 20 people attended the ceremony, Meeting. The meeting was chaired by the Deputy Director of the Security Committee Wang Jianhua.

First, the General Assembly adopted the "Safety reward system", "safety incentive Rules", "safety responsibility and target assessment"


Second, the issue of safety related systems production



Third, the participants oath, read the oath of production safety management

I do solemnly swear: As a safety management personnel, I will keep in mind the safety rules, shouldering security responsibilities, strict compliance, adherence to operating procedures. Kejin professional ethics, conscience and dignity to exercise my career, depending on the life and health above all else, and always will give top priority to safety in production and departmental honors, constant vigilance, strict safety supervision, do everything we can to enhance the security management capabilities, resolutely do not produce unsafe, to create a harmonious environment and work as production!

Fourth, the deponent the focus on the issue of the signing ceremony Printing


Fifth, the head of production Liu Heng, Liu Hong, head of the device position to speak



Sixth, do Zhangshi Tao, president of requirements:


1, all the staff involved and always pay attention to production safety work, clear safety factors of production, enhance training, exercises, strengthen quality improvement.

2, safety systems, the implementation details of the specification work is required, we must accept the punishment does not work according to specifications. At the same time, the punishment is not an end, to inspire everyone compliance, act in accordance with regulations, to all the staff are good, fine as a reward fund can be used to do good work safety staff. Of course, we checked in, the implementation of institutional strictly to do, fair and equitable treatment.

3, each team must have the ability to manage safety management, and strive to improve the level of work, meaning that to prevent accidents, which is at the heart of our system of fixed, everyone personally, the courage to take this responsibility and play unwavering implementation of the system, safe production responsibility to implement. Feasibility of developing the plan is to be implemented this goal, unplanned and are not implemented is a dream.

Alarm bells ringing, safety is very important, work safety is currently the most important task, it is an important prerequisite for the orderly conduct of the work, all the work should be launched in a safe basis.

This meeting is the implementation of specific initiatives Bo Tao synthetic fiber production safety work conference, we will enhance the business management level, further strengthen the red line awareness, sense of urgency and sense of responsibility, effectively and realistically hold on production safety work, pay close attention to improve the management system, workflow, the meticulous management to further deepen; with responsibility for safeguarding security, practical action for the safe production escort!

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